Treatment For Children & Families

Therapy For Children In Chicago

Wellington Counseling Group is a key resource for children in Chicago, helping them achieve mental and physical wellness through counseling services. Whether your child is struggling with a behavioral disorder, having difficulty coping after a loss or divorce, or just having a tough time, our child life specialists provide the best therapy for children in Chicago.

What Conditions Can Therapy For Children Treat?

Therapy for children is highly beneficial and can play a role in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions and life experiences.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

A diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder can be challenging for a family. Therapy can be highly beneficial to the patient, the parents, and siblings as you learn, grow, and adapt with your child. Understanding is the key to helping a child who has been diagnosed with ASD. This is exactly what our child and family therapists specialize in, opening the lines of communication – whatever they may look like – to help a family better understand the needs of their child.


ADHD can have a big impact on a child’s ability to perform in and out of school. When young minds are developing, there is a lot going on. A behavioral disorder like ADHD can make this even more difficult for any child. Our therapy services for children can be highly beneficial as they are growing and developing.

Body Image Concerns & Eating Disorders

Children and teens are under an exorbitant amount of pressure to meet societal standards of beauty. This has led to a surge in body dysmorphia and eating disorders in adolescents. Our therapy services for children help parents and children handle to societal stress and underlying trauma that leads to these symptoms.

Depression & Mood Disorders

Childhood depression can be challenging to understand and identify because many people falsely assume this is a disorder only adults experience. Children can be depressed and even have suicidal thoughts, which is why therapy for children experiencing depression is so important. Our therapists can help children understand their emotions and find relief from symptoms of depression.

Developmental Transitions

From starting Kindergarten to the first high school dance, there’s countless milestones a child experiences throughout their life. These developmental transitions are major life events for both a child and their parents as you all navigate growing up together. Many families can benefit from an outside perspective of a trained counselor who specializes in working with children. A safe environment where children can express themselves unapologetically through the most challenging and exciting developmental milestones is exactly what we strive to provide at Wellington Counseling Group.


Divorce is hard on a family. It’s difficult enough for the couple contemplating or going through a separation, but it becomes increasingly more challenging when children are involved. Divorce counseling can be highly beneficial for both the parents and the children who are involved in the separation. There are many additional factors at play when a divorce occurs, from coping with the separation itself and learning a new normal between two parents to eventual remarriage and blending of families. Having the long-term support and expertise of a trained psychotherapist can help you navigate each and every step of a divorce to facilitate a healthy and supportive environment for all parties.

Emotional & Behavioral Issues

As a child grows and develops, their ability to regulate and control their emotions and behaviors can be challenged. Emotional outbursts and behavioral issues are not uncommon throughout adolescence and it can often be a source of difficulty for parents and children alike. Family therapy can be a beneficial resource for children to have an outlet to talk about their feelings and learn how to better understand themselves. A therapist can also support parents as they learn how to communicate with their child and work through emotions.


When children are grieving, finding peace in a loss is especially challenging. If not for the fact that the adults in their life are also grieving, then simply due to the lack of understanding about what has happened. Our grief counseling services for children help them understand the transition in their life and cope with the various feelings they experience throughout the grieving process.

Parent-Child Relationships

The relationship between a parent and child is constantly evolving. For some families, the trials of a constantly changing relationship with a child are easily navigated. For others, both parents and children can feel like they are at a loss. Feeling misunderstood is not uncommon and, as your child grows up, you’re likely to experience more than a few bumps in the road. Wellington Counseling Group can help you successfully navigate those bumps and support the building of a healthy relationship between parent and child.

Sleep Issues & Disorders

Many children experience sleep issues as they are growing up. Whether they are afraid of the dark, have separation anxiety when it comes time to go to bed, or end up in Mom and Dad’s room at some point during the night, sleep issues are very common. Often, they are related to an underlying issue that the child is having trouble coping with. Therapy is a safe and supportive place to unpack the underlying triggers that are preventing your child from getting restful sleep without a bedtime meltdown.

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